Student demand
Student demand, too, is cyclical. There was a peak in 2000-01. There was a valley five years later. Today, most of the top programs report that they have surged beyond the peak of a decade ago:
—At the University of Washington, we teach our introductory course every quarter – four times a year. We track annual enrollment as a four-quarter rolling average. The previous high point was the four quarter period ending in Spring 2001: 1,600 students annually. The low point was the four quarter period ending in the autumn of 2004: 1,200 students annually. Our most recent four quarters: 1,700 students annually.
—At Carnegie Mellon University, high school students apply directly to the computer science major. CMU attempts to enroll between 130 and 150 new computer science freshmen every year. Their previous high water mark for applicants was in 2001: 3,237 applicants for 130-150 places in the freshman class. The low was in 2005: 1,732 applicants. This year: 3,479 applicants.
—At Stanford, computer science course enrollments have been recovering at about 20 percent per year since 2007-08, after turning the corner the year before that. Last year (2009-10), Stanford fell just short of its all-time record enrollment in the introductory course. That record – 762 students total over three regular-term quarters – was set in 1999-2000, at the height of the dot-com boom. This year, though, enrollment totals 1,087 – a year-to-year growth of 51 percent. More amazing, Spring Quarter enrollment is up by 120 percent over last Spring Quarter.
—At MIT, an introductory computer science course, 6.00, is the single most popular course in the MIT OpenCourseWare initiative – OCW includes more than 2,000 MIT courses in a broad range of fields.
Red Hot: The Computer Science Job Market
Ed Lazowska 5/17/11
It’s no secret that there’s extraordinary competition right now for computer scientists. Both nationally and regionally, new graduates from strong programs at all degree levels are receiving extraordinary offers.This year’s UW Computer Science & Engineering seniors have reported starting salaries as high as $105,000 (that’s the highest I’ve heard – there may be higher) and signing bonuses as high as $30,000 (ditto). Top students are describing experiences such as these (quoting from emails):
“I’ve had 4 emails from startups in the area that got my information from LinkedIn.
Also from LinkedIn I got an email from [top tech company]. I’ve also
gotten emails from [two top tech companies] – presumably they got my
information from the UW CSE resume database. I also got an email from
[top tech company] saying they got my information from a professor here;
I didn’t respond right away and the guy called my cell phone! All of
these were emails asking me to come in to interview. All were
“I was able to arrange 5 on-site interviews in a two week span. I also got 5 offers in that same span.”
Students still in the program have extraordinary internship opportunities, such as these (again quoting from emails):
“I received an internship offer from [top tech company] after being in the major less than a quarter.”
“In the next three quarters I will be doing consecutive internships with [three top tech companies].”
“I’m a senior who transferred to UW from
Shoreline Community College. My employment history is zilch – a little
retail, that’s it. Yet [top tech company] offered me a $30/hr
internship just based on the fact that I’m in UW CSE.”
“I’ve been completely blown away by how
well interns are treated within our industry. It’s incredible that CSE
students still in school can earn summer salaries twice as high as
students from other majors can expect to earn after graduation. My most
unique experience has been my opportunity to travel. Last summer I
worked for [top tech company] in Seattle. At some point I realized that
they had offices in awesome cities all over the world: Sydney, Dublin,
Zurich, Paris, London. I told the recruiters I wanted to work at one of
these offices. They were able to secure me a position in London. I’ve
always wanted to study abroad, but I was worried how well it would fit
with computer science. As it turns out, I got a better deal than
studying abroad: working abroad. Now all of my study abroad dreams are
being fulfilled more wildly than I ever expected: I’m being paid to
travel; I’m not losing time, I’m working for an industry leader; and,
best yet, I don’t have homework. I don’t think many other students get
opportunities like this.”
There are example......
Database Management Career Options
- Database analysis
- Database administration
- Databases engineering
- Business intelligence consulting
- Software implementation
Database Management Career Responsibilities
- Designing, programming, and administering of data systems
- Securing and safeguarding data and databases
- Setting up computer databases and test systems
- Ensuring data integrity and system backup
- Monitoring and managing database server software

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